5 Reasons Aluminum is Superior to Wood for Docks and Beach Stairs

For most of us, wood is the material we associate with our cottages. Yet we need help with the hard work of maintaining wood to look good and remain functional. Wood is heavy to move, and the treatment options to make it look good can have harsh chemicals. Wood docks and stairs require a lot of upkeep and maintenance each year to keep them safe. Despite all your hard work and investment to preserve wood docks or stairs, they will eventually fail, become unsafe and need to be replaced. You want to relax and enjoy your cottage, not work hard maintaining your property.  The good news is that there is a better material that will effortlessly solve all of these problems for you and is far more cost-effective than you might think. Try aluminum docks and beach stairs. 

  1. Aluminum looks great with little or no maintenance.

If you have ever refinished a wood deck or fence, you know how much labor and harsh chemicals are involved. Most experts recommend yearly maintenance to maintain the wood's beauty and safety. In addition, frequent repairs are common and can become expensive, especially when moving heavy wood sections is needed. The alternative is aluminum docks and beach stairs, which always look good and require minimal maintenance, such as an occasional splash with the hose. Our customers tell us aluminum docks and stairs help them enjoy their summer free time, reduce the work, and lower maintenance expenses in their cottage.

2. Aluminum products last over 50 years.

While the average lifespan of a wooden dock is ten years, we have numerous examples of aluminum docks lasting over 50 years. As a quality, 100% made-in-USA product, Alumidock products are constructed of the highest quality 6000 series Aluminum. We are proud that our products last generations, so you have one less thing to worry about and can focus on summertime fun.

3. Aluminum is affordable when considering all the costs over the product's life.

Wood is becoming more scarce and expensive, and over time, aluminum will become an increasingly cost-effective option, especially considering the costs over the product's lifetime. The concept of total cost of ownership encourages you to consider not just the base cost but also assess years of service life and the impact of freight, maintenance, and salvage costs. Aluminum is the clear cost winner when you go beyond base costs and consider a long-term investment in the beauty and safety of your cottage. 

Compare Total Cost of Ownership: Aluminum vs. Wood

4. Aluminum is lighter to move and allows you to easily install, remove, and quickly react to upcoming storms.

Did you know that aluminum docks weigh 60% less than wood? They are also easy to install and remove without being in the water, so you can DIY or pay your local handyperson a fraction of the price of wood dock removal. This ease extends to quickly removing and storing them to protect your investment when a storm is coming.

5. Aluminum is ideally suited for exposure to weather, water, and sun.

Aluminum is naturally corrosion-resistant and can withstand the effects of water and weather, whereas wood will disintegrate under the same conditions over time. Aluminum stays cool on your feet so your family and pets can walk barefoot safely, even on sunny, hot days.

We know that aluminum docks and stairs are a new concept for many cottage owners. Still, their many advantages over wood are compelling reasons to consider this option for your upcoming project. We are happy to share the testimonials of hundreds of cottage owners who have successfully made the switch.

We would be proud to count you among our happy customers who invest in durable beauty that lasts generations.  Learn more about  Aluminum Docks and Aluminum Stairs.


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